Saturday 10 October 2009

The case against Tintin

I wouldn't normally post something like this, but as I've only today taken delivery of The Art of Herge, vol. 1 (I had a post bonanza this morning) this article bristled the hairs on my back.

One of the respondees writes that to say that Herge "doesn't have much of an eye for, or interest in, design" is "patently absurd". As Steven Heller notes in an Eye Magazine review of the above book; "Hergé was an accomplished graphic designer and typographer, who spent much of his time doing advertising" and that;

It is not surprising that Hergé has been left out of most (in fact all) graphic design history books: his virtuosity was not as a posterist or typographer. Yet, while this book is valuable for examining Tintin’s origins through reproductions of original drawings and sketches, the tangential design material – the posters, book covers, and type treatments that Studio Hergé was commissioned to do – is just as key to Hergé’s career.

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